Monday, July 22, 2024

Reference Tip: Locating Historic Attorney General Opinions

In 1832 the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office began issuing formal opinions on legal and constitutional matters. These opinions can be found in the AG’s Annual Reports (Public Document No. 12) which the State Library has in print and digitized in our digital repository.

  • In addition to the Annual Reports, historic opinions can also be found in a set of numbered volumes entitled, Official Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Volumes 1 - 8, 1891 through 1929. You may come across citations to these volumes in Westlaw or Lexis. As an example, 5 Mass. Op. Att'y Gen. 670, 672 is a citation to Volume 5 (1917-1920). The full volume is in our digital repository here. The opinion begins on page 670 and ends on page 672; the opinion is from 1920. These volumes contain a subject index and table of statutes cited. Once you have the year, you could also locate this opinion in the 1921 Annual Report, Report of the attorney general for the year ending January 19, 1921. In addition, it is important to note that beginning in 1967, opinions were issued chronologically and numbered.

For more information on Attorney General Opinions, see our previous blog post. It goes over AG Opinions in Shepard’s Citations

If you need assistance locating Attorney General Opinions, please feel free to contact the Reference Department

April Pascucci
Legislative Reference Librarian

Monday, July 15, 2024

John Davis Long and Theodore Roosevelt

One of the State Library’s most popular attractions is the bronze bust of past President Theodore Roosevelt, which stands immediately to the left of our Reference Desk. Aside from depicting a major figure of U.S. history, the bust is an object of curiosity because its sculptor was the man who would later sculpt the Mount Rushmore Monument, John Gutzon Borglum. TR isn’t the only major historical figure represented in bust form at the State Library. We also have busts of Cicero, Arthur Buckminster Fuller, George Frisbie Hoar, Caleb Tillinghast, and John Davis Long on display in our Reading Room. These figures are significant in some way to Massachusetts history, State Library history, or (in the case of Cicero) American political philosophy. 

While reading up on these historical figures, I found an interesting connection between two of them: Theodore Roosevelt and John Davis Long. Long served as Secretary of the Navy while Roosevelt was the Assistant Secretary. Unfortunately, the two men did not get along (Thomas, 1997, p. 32). For example, they disagreed over events leading up to the Spanish war, with Long suggesting that Roosevelt wanted to launch a naval assault before war had been declared. You can read Roosevelt’s response to this accusation in his letter to Long (digitized version available here).

I can’t help but wonder if the person responsible for the arrangement of these busts knew the history these men shared. Maybe it’s coincidence that they are positioned on opposite sides of the reading room, avoiding each other’s gaze; however, I like to think that the arrangement was intentional and that the room designer thought it best to keep the two men as far apart from one another as possible.

More information on the State Library’s art and architecture can be found here.

Maryellen Larkin
Government Documents & Reference Librarian


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Parrots Land in the Library!

Welcome the summer with the bright and colorful Carolina Parrot (Audubon Plate 26)! The Carolina parrot, also referred to as the Carolina parakeet, has been officially listed as extinct since 1939 but you can visit us from July 11 to August 8 to see it on display in our library. When this print was made in the 1830s, the Carolina Parrot made its home all the way from southern New York and Wisconsin to the Gulf of Mexico. It was the only parrot species native to the eastern United States, and one of only three species native to the entire country. The closest living relative of the Carolina parrot is the sun parakeet, which is now endangered. You can read more about the factors that lead to the parrot's extinction in this article by the John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove.

This print shows the adult male and female, along with a young parrot, which is identified with green head feathers instead of yellow. They are all shown among the branches of the Xanthium strumarium plant, also known as the rough cocklebur. It's appropriate to show the parrot among the cocklebur, as it was one of its food sources. The cocklebur is a poisonous plant, so farmers liked having the Carolina parrot around as a way of clearing this dangerous plant from their land. 

Parrots are extremely intelligent birds, and with their curved beaks, the parrots in this print look like they are smiling at the viewer! We're grateful for the opportunity to share such a detailed and beautiful depiction of a now extinct bird with our visitors, so be sure to stop by throughout the month to see it on display. 

Elizabeth Roscio
Preservation Librarian

Monday, July 8, 2024

Service Spotlight: Interlibrary Loan for State Employees

State employees: is there an article you need, but we don’t have a subscription to that journal? Is there a book you’d like to consult to help with a project you’re working on, but you don’t see it listed in our catalog? We’re here to remind you that full-time, permanent state employees can take advantage of the State Library’s Interlibrary Loan program at no cost to you!

You can fill out a form to request a journal article or book chapter and you can also fill out a form to request a book. Alternatively, you can email your request to The more citation information you can provide on your request form or in your email, the better. This will allow staff to be sure they are requesting the correct material for you and you’ll receive your material faster.

The State Library is part of the Boston Library Consortium and we can borrow materials from other libraries via OCLC WorldCat. You can also request materials from other Massachusetts libraries through Commonwealth Catalog, or ComCat, with a valid Massachusetts public library card.

To learn more about interlibrary loan at the State Library, please see our previous blog post and our webpage. Feel free to reach out to us by email with questions as well

Jessica Shrey
Legal Research Reference Librarian

Monday, July 1, 2024

State Library Newsletter - July Issue

Swing into summer with the State Library's newsletter! Catch up on our past Author Talk season, our displayed items, and a special highlight of a recently completed intern project. 

Pictured here is a preview, but the full issue can be accessed by clicking here. And you can also sign up for our mailing list to receive the newsletter straight to your inbox.

On Display at the State Library

The upcoming July 4th holiday celebrates America’s birthday, the date in 1776 when the Second Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia. Here in the State Library, we’re marking the occasion by sharing our copy of the Declaration. We have previously written about and displayed a version printed in The New-England Chronical by Edward Powers and Nathaniel Willis, but now we are excited to share our broadside copy, which was printed by Ezekiel Russell in Salem on July 17, 1776. Visit us throughout the month to see it displayed in our reading room.

After the Second Continental Congress signed off on the final wording of the Declaration, the text was sent to Philadelphia printer John Dunlap, who printed two hundred copies as broadsides. The text was then distributed to the thirteen colonies, where it was printed in newspapers and as broadsides. The version authorized and distributed to printers throughout Massachusetts included the following instructions for further dissemination (for ease of reading, in this transcription the “long s” which is printed as an “f” has been written as an “s”):

“In Council, July 17, 1776. Ordered, That the Declaration of Independence be printed; and a Copy sent to the Ministers of each Parish, of every Denomination, within this State; and that they severally be required to read the same to their respective Congregations, as soon as divine Service is ended, in the afternoon, on the first Lord’s-Day after they shall have received it: --- And after such Publication thereof, to deliver the said Declaration to the Clerks of their several Towns, or Districts; who are hereby required to record the same in their respective Town, or District Books, there to remain as a perpetual Memorial thereof.”

Note that the Council approved this order on July 17, 1776 and that it was sent to Massachusetts printers almost a full two weeks after the Declaration was first ratified. Though we all know that news in the colonial period was not instantaneous like it is today, this lag time emphasizes the duration that it would take for news to spread throughout the colonies. Once printers received it, it was then printed in their own newspapers and as broadsides that were sent to ministers to share with their congregants at the next Sunday service, as described above. In Boston, it was also read from the balcony of the Old State House to crowds gathered below on July 18.

The printer of the displayed broadside, Ezekiel Russell, lived in Salem during a portion of the Revolutionary War and was a prolific publisher. In addition to this broadside, he was also the printer of The American Gazette or The Constitutional Journal. Following the instructions from the broadside, Russell was authorized to print the Declaration at his shop and distribute it to ministers throughout the North Shore. Written in iron gall ink on the back of the broadside is the notation “To the Rev. Mr. Holyoke, Boxford” so we know which congregation received this specific version.

In December 2016, this broadside received conservation treatment at the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC). The broadside was cleaned, tape was removed, and paper tears and losses were filled in with Japanese paper and wheat paste. The result is the beautifully mended and stabilized broadside that we can now safely display. And for those who can’t visit us in person, once the broadside was conserved, NEDCC’s Imaging Services Department provided us with a high-quality digital version which we can share in our digital repository. During the 1700s, broadsides were meant to be printed and distributed quickly to disseminate important information and keeping them intact to save for future generations was not necessarily the objective. We’re lucky to have such a well-preserved version in our collection and hope that you’ll be able to visit us this month to see this inspiring document in person.

By Elizabeth Roscio
Preservation Librarian

Monday, June 24, 2024

New Search Feature for Select Digital Collections

In the final installment of our blog post series about searching State Library of Massachusetts Digital Collections (SLM Digital Collections), we’ll be sharing a few extra search tips plus showcasing a new feature for searching three frequently used collections.

Before we get into the main part of this instructional post, here are a few additional search pointers:
  • Looking for a specific keyword or phrase and want to return documents that only contain a specific keyword or phrase? Use quotation marks around the keyword or phrase to get results only containing that keyword or phrase.
  • Search specific fields by entering the field name (dc.title, followed by a colon and a keyword. This particularly helpful if you are looking for a document that has a title with a keyword anywhere in the title rather than using the searching by title feature. For example, typing dc.title:boat in the search box will return search results for documents with “boat” somewhere in the title.
  • Combining a search of specific fields can be done by using Boolean operators in the search box. For example, entering AND dc.title:test in the search box will give results for documents published in 2010 and that have “test” somewhere in the title.
  • It is also possible to do a wildcard search with an *. For example, entering boat* into the search box will return results for documents containing boat, boating, boathouse, and any other variants with the root boat-.

Now let’s dive into how to leverage the search skills we learned in earlier posts in the series plus the additional search tips above to make the most of the newest search feature!

Last week a new search feature was added to the following digital collections:

At the top of the main collection pages, you will see underneath the collection summary in the header a hyperlinked caption Click here to search the contents of this community. When you click the links on one of these main collection pages you will be redirected to a search results page where it is preset to search that specific collection. In the example here we navigated the main collection page for the Acts and Resolves collection by going to the Communities & Collections tab on the navigation menu and clicking on Acts and Resolves in the list.

Next we click on the link in the description to search all the Acts and Resolves 1692 to present day.

But what if we instead had a specific date or date range in mind? There are a few ways of going about this. First, we can simply navigate to a specific subcommunity or subcollection within the Acts and Resolves collection. The subcommunities and subcollections for the Acts and Resolves are organized by date. Here we’ve selected the subcollection for 1982.

The second way of going about this can be a little complicated but it is good to know about for collections without the handy search link in the description. To keep things simple, we will continue using the Acts and Resolves to demonstrate the second option to do a date range search. It is possible to do range searches for dates in specific date fields. The date field most useful for research is since this field refers to when a document was published by a government entity.

To do a search for a specific timespan format the search like[1978 TO 1997] to return results inclusive of dates between 1978 to 1997. After the search result page refreshes navigate over to the Settings on the lower far left and select in the Sort By dropdown menu Date Issued Ascending. This will sort the results in order from 1978 to 1997.

For a wildcard search for anything beyond a specific date which includes that year format the search like[1978 TO *]. In theory this should return results up until present day but occasionally the search will only return results up to certain point. In this instance running the wildcard search for a date range like 1978 to present only returns results for 1978 to 2010.

Other ways to search within a specific date range include filtering by date. Or if you are just looking for single date using it as keyword in your search is a good method.

If a specific issue or topic is being researched in the context of Acts and Resolves and the exact year may not be known but at least the chapter number is, a Boolean search can be a powerful tool when the chapter number is combined with a keyword or phrase. For instance, entering “Chap. 0523” AND boats in the preset search results page for the entire Acts and Resolves collection will give you all the relevant results that mention Chapter 0523 and boats.

Suppose we are looking for a specific act issued in 1982 for designating a boat ramp in Plymouth Harbor as The Leo F. Demarsh Memorial Boat Ramp. In this scenario we know which chapter in the 1982 Acts and Resolves we are looking for, Chapter 0523. To immediately return the exact result we are looking for we can enter the query in 1 of 4 possible formats:
  • “chap. #XXXX” (example: “chap. #0523”)
  • “Chap. #XXXX” (example: “Chap. #0523”)
  • “chap. XXXX” (example: “chap. 0523”)
  • “Chap. XXXX” (iexample: “Chap. 0523”)
Always be sure to include quotation marks around the query so a phrase search runs and returns results for a specific chapter. Without the quotation marks a keyword search will run in DSpace and provide more results that are less specific to what you are searching for. Here we can see entering “chap. 0523” gave us exactly what were we looking for in the 1982 Acts and Resolves.

Similar approaches can be taken to searching specific subcommunities and subcollections in Bills (Legislative Documents) and House and Senate Journals, and the Massachusetts Registers after selecting the search link in the description in the header. Like the ones for the Acts and Resolves these links are preset for searches for the entire collection or specific subcommunities and subcollections.

If you want to get started on a search in the SLM Digital Collections and want to review the steps on how to get started, read our blog post from March that gives instructions how to begin. You can also read a post where we took a closer look at applying a search refining technique called a Boolean search to your SLM Digital Collections searches to yield more precise results.

Be sure to check out this post from January about browsing basics if you’re stumped about how to use the browsing filters.

You can always reach out to our reference department for assistance by emailing them at or calling 617-927-2590. Or if you are visiting our reading room, come up to the reference desk and someone can help you.

Emily Crawford
Technical Services Librarian

Monday, June 17, 2024

Embracing the Beauty: Celebrating Great Outdoors Month in Massachusetts

A view of Walden Pond, a DCR state reservation
Welcome, nature lovers, to the celebration of Great Outdoors Month! As we get ready to embrace the beauty of the natural world around us, let's first look into the history behind this annual occasion.

Great Outdoors Month is a call to our deep-rooted connection with nature and a reminder to appreciate all the great outdoors has to offer. The history of Great Outdoors Month can be traced back to a time when Americans were beginning to realize the importance of preserving our natural landscapes and fostering outdoor recreation. It was President Bill Clinton who first recognized the significance of this movement by declaring the first Great Outdoors Week in 1998. This landmark proclamation laid the foundation for what would later evolve into a month-long celebration of all things outdoors.

Since then, every June has been dedicated to honoring our parks, forests, rivers, and trails. From the magnificent landscape of the Berkshires to the quiet beauty of Cape Cod, Massachusetts offers outdoor enthusiasts a wide variety of opportunities. Hike along the picturesque trails of Mount Greylock, the state's highest peak, or paddle through the calm waters of the Charles River. Whether you're a trained adventurer or a casual nature lover, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Additionally, Great Outdoors Month in Massachusetts isn't just about recreation; it's also a time to celebrate the state's ongoing commitment to conservation and environmental protection. Currently, one of Governor Healey’s priorities is “Climate & Clean Energy.” The Healey-Driscoll administration has created a new Climate Chief position and has goals of “doubling offshore wind and solar targets, quadrupling energy storage deployment, electrifying the public transportation fleet,” and much more. Read more about this initiative and others here.

Governor Healey highlights proposed clean energy investments in
Mass Leads Act at Ascend Elements, photo courtesy of massgovernor Flickr

Through other initiatives like the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation's Park Serve Day, volunteers come together to clean up and maintain our beloved outdoor spaces, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy them for years to come. 

Since we are the State Library, we wanted to bring your attention to some of the resources we have that can help you celebrate Great Outdoors Month and learn about the beauty surrounding you in New England.

Historical titles:

Browsing/travel titles: events and resources

If you’d like to take a look at any of the titles above, feel free to visit us. We’re located in Room 341 of the State House and are open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.

We hope that you enjoy the remainder of Great Outdoors Month! Whether it's hiking through the forest, fishing in a sparkling stream, or basking in the warmth of the sun in your own backyard, there are plenty of adventures waiting for you. Happy Great Outdoors Month, everyone!

Jessica Shrey
Legal Research Reference Librarian

Monday, June 10, 2024

Pride Month Spotlights from the Special Collections Department

Special Collections houses numerous legislators’ papers pertaining to LGBTQ+ issues. Featured here are two of those collections in honor of Pride Month:

Ms. Coll. 138: Jarrett T. Barrios Papers, 1996-2005

Jarret Barrios image
courtesy of
Jarrett Barrios served as a member of both the Massachusetts House of Representatives and the Massachusetts Senate and became the first Latino and first openly gay man elected to the Massachusetts Senate. Barrios came to Cambridge at age 17 to study at Harvard University from his home state of Florida. After graduating, he worked as a legislative aide for Boston City Councilor David Scondras. In 1992, Barrios entered law school at Georgetown University where he graduated with honors. In 1998, he was elected as the State Representative for the 28th Middlesex District. He was reelected in 2000 without opposition. In 2002, the voters of his Middlesex, Suffolk and Essex District elected him to the State Senate, and he was re-elected without opposition in both 2004 and 2006. Barrios was the Senate Chairman of the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security and served on the Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure, Transportation, Housing, Public Health, and Municipalities and Regional Government committees.

Ms. Coll. 138 includes subject files on a variety of Barrios' legislative activities and interests, including the Community Reinvestment Act, bilingual education, insider trading, public housing, correction reform, breast feeding, emergency room interpreters, domestic partnerships, and same sex marriage. Materials include meeting notes, clippings, memoranda, press releases, agendas, schedules, correspondence, publications, photographs, and various reports and studies. Of particular interest is the material pertaining to same sex marriage, including information about the Defense of Marriage Act and civil unions, as well as correspondence from constituents protesting and supporting same sex marriage.

You can find more information about the Jarrett T. Barrios Papers in our digital repository here.

Ms. Coll. 165: Denise Provost Papers on Legislation Concerning Gender Identity and Nondiscrimination, 1997-2017, bulk 2014-2016

Denise Provost was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives for the 27th Middlesex District in 2006 and served until 2020. Prior to being elected, Provost worked as Assistant City Solicitor and Alderman-at-large in Somerville. Provost received her bachelor’s degree from Bennington College and a law degree from Boston University. During her tenure as state representative, Provost served on numerous committees including the Joint Committee on Higher Education, the Joint Committee on Revenue, the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight, and the House Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change. As the representative for the 27th Middlesex District, Provost cosponsored a bill concerning gender identity and nondiscrimination with Representative Byron Rushing in 2015. Bill H.1577, known as An Act Relative to Gender Identity and Nondiscrimination, aimed to close a loophole in the 2012 Transgender Equal Rights Act, which allowed transgender people to be discriminated against in public accommodations. The language in this bill was ultimately signed into law by Governor Charlie Baker on July 8, 2016.

Ms. Coll. 165 contains personal papers related to Denise Provost’s work on the Transgender Public Accommodations bill, including newspaper clippings, press releases, city ordinances, correspondence, publications, court decisions, and committee meeting material. Also included in this collection is the material Denise Provost used to research the bill, such as information relating to transgender rights in the United States and specifically in cities across Massachusetts. Drafts of the bill and amendments made to the bill are included in the collection.

You can find more information about Denise Provost’s Ms. Coll. 165 in our digital repository here.

Both Jarrett Barrios’ and Denise Provost’s collections are open for research in the Special Collections Department. If you are interested in accessing these papers, please contact us by email to schedule a research visit. Happy Pride from the State Library!

Alyssa Persson
Special Collections Processing Librarian

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Brown Pelican Swoops into the Library

It's summer time, which means it's time to share shorebirds in our Audubon case! On display from June 7 through July 11 is plate 421, the brown pelican. Those of us in New England states might not easily see the brown pelican in the wild, as it is more commonly found along the southern East and West Coasts, and into Mexico and South America. It is shown here perched on one leg along the shoreline, with a lighthouse in the distance.

The brown pelican had been placed on the United States endangered species list in 1970 because the use of pesticides was threatening its existence. However, with the banning of several pesticides, the brown pelican population increased to the point that it was removed from the endangered list in 2009 and is now considered a species of least concern. Efforts to protect the brown pelican date to the early 1900s, when then-president Theodore Roosevelt established Pelican Island in Florida as the first federal bird reservation.

From the look of this pelican, you can guess how it feeds! Pelicans fly low over water in search of fish and then swoop down and scoop them up. Read more about the brown pelican in the Audubon Field Guide and visit our reading room to see this print in person.

Elizabeth Roscio
Preservation Librarian

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

State Library Newsletter - June Issue

It's June and there's a lot happening at the State Library! From Author Talks to seasonal displays to new reference resources, catch up on all our news in this month's newsletter. Pictured here is a preview, but the full issue can be accessed by clicking here. And you can also sign up for our mailing list to receive the newsletter straight to your inbox.

Monday, June 3, 2024

On Display in the State Library - The Massachusetts Mercury

Step back in time with this month’s Collection Spotlight item. On display for the month of June is a bound volume of The Massachusetts Mercury from 1796, open to show the front page from June 21 and the last page from May 24. Take a look at the pages to see the advertisements, news articles, and shipping departure schedules that Bay Staters would have reviewed themselves over 225 years ago!

The Massachusetts Mercury was a tri-weekly newspaper, founded in 1793 and published once every three weeks by Alexander Young and Thomas Minns from their office on State Street in Boston. Following The Massachusetts Mercury through time can be a little confusing, as over the years it changed names numerous times and merged with other papers. Young and Minns were the publishers for several years and the paper was known as The Massachusetts Mercury until 1800 when its name changed to The Mercury and New-England Palladium. It was then known as The New-England Palladium from 1803 until 1814, followed by The New-England Palladium & Commercial Advertiser until 1840, when it merged with other newspapers to become The Boston Semi-Weekly Advertiser. At the time of the displayed 1796 publication, the nameplate included the Latin phrase “dulcique animos novitate tenebo” which one of our staff members was able to translate as “and I will possess an open mind towards unfamiliarity” which seems like a fitting motto for newspaper readers.

Since the volume is bound, it is displayed open to show both the last page of the May 24 edition and the front page of the June 21 edition. Because the paper was published only once every few weeks, the content spans a range of dates. The news section includes events that have occurred since the last printing, and the advertisements and notices of auctions are for upcoming dates weeks into the future. Looking closer at the content, the front page shows a surprising amount of information about ships, both listings of departure dates and destinations of passenger vessels, and advertisements to buy vessels, which emphasizes Boston's role as a port city. A fun detail is that each listing also includes a small etching of the ship mentioned! Beginning on the front page and continuing onto the interior pages are international and domestic news, with a heading reading "The foreign news in this day's Mercury will well reward an attentive person. The domestic news is all interesting." The last page is full advertisements, similar to the classified section of modern newspapers, along with a few marriage and death notices. The advertisements provide a glimpse into life in Boston at the end of the 18th century, letting us read first-hand about the types of goods and services that were offered. I've included an image below of an advertisement for watches and other jewelry.  

I like this listing because the address is 51 Newbury Street; in modern Boston, Newbury Street is known for its designer boutiques and elegant shopping, and would likely be your destination if you were looking for a fancy watch or jewelry.  But Newbury Street is part of Back Bay, which wasn't created until the 1860s. A little searching on the history of Boston streets revealed that in the 1700s, Newbury Street existed as part of what we now know of as Washington Street in the Downtown Crossing area of Boston. So even though it is not the same Newbury Street that exists today, it coincidentally would have still been the spot to visit if you were looking for fancy goods. 

As the Library’s Preservation Librarian, I love sharing items from our colonial newspaper collection as part of our outreach program, in part because they are often in remarkable condition given their age. Tour participants and social media followers are surprised to see items that are over two hundred years old in better condition than the 2004 Boston Globe that they saved to commemorate the Red Sox winning the World Series! We keep our newspapers in dark storage with controlled temperate and humidity, but the largest factor to their stable condition is that colonial newspapers were made of rag paper. Colonial paper was made from made from linen and cotton fibers or rags and is much more durable and stable than paper made from wood pulp and it doesn't become brittle or yellowed with age. It wasn’t a quick process, which is maybe why newspapers were only printed every three or four weeks!

Visit us throughout June to see The Massachusetts Mercury on display in our main reading room, and check out the full list of historical newspapers available in Special Collections here

Elizabeth Roscio
Preservation Librarian

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Author Talk with Kerri K. Greenidge

The State Library of Massachusetts Author Talks Series is excited to host Dr. Kerri K. Greenidge - historian, professor, and author of the 2023 book, The Grimkes: The Legacy of Slavery in an American Family.

Please join us on Wednesday, June 5th, at noon, in our historic reading room for an author talk with Kerri K. Greenidge as she discusses her book, The Grimkes: The Legacy of Slavery in an American Family. We will also be livestreaming the talk on our YouTube channel courtesy of the Massachusetts House of Representatives Broadcast Services - tune in at noon.

About the book: The Grimke Sisters, Sarah and Angelina, are well-known names in the history of the nation’s abolitionist movement. The sisters were born into a wealthy plantation owning family in South Carolina; their childhood experience influencing their abolitionist rhetoric that would sweep the North. However, author and historian, Kerri Greenidge, tells the story of the sisters’ black relatives. The brother of Sarah and Angelina had three sons with the woman he owned, Nancy Weston. Greenidge tells the story of the three sons who would go on to become prominent members of society, but Greenidge specifically focuses on the black women of the Grimke family. The Grimkes is a complex biography of an American family highlighting the contradictions in the abolitionist movement.

About the author:
Kerri Greenidge is Mellon Associate Professor in the Department of Studies in Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora at Tufts University, and co-directs the African American Trail Project and Tufts’ Slavery, Colonialism, and Their Legacies Project. Greenidge is an award-winning historian. Her 2019 book Black Radical: The Life and Times of William Monroe Trotter received the Mark Lynton Prize in History, the Massachusetts Book Award, the J. Anthony Lukas Award, the Sperber Award from Fordham University, and the Peter J. Gomes Book Prize from the Massachusetts Historical Society. Her writings have appeared in the Massachusetts Historical Review, the Radical History Review, the New Yorker, the Atlantic, and the Guardian. For more on Greenidge, visit her professional site.

If you are able to join us in person for this talk, attendees will be able to participate in a question-and-answer session with the author as well as purchase a copy of The Grimkes. Venmo will be accepted. As always, this author talk is free and open to all. Assisted listening devices will be made available upon request. Any questions or concerns, please email us.

Want to stay up to date on future Author Talks at the State Library? Join our mailing list. Also follow us on Instagram, X, or Facebook for updates! For more information on the State Library Author talks series, please visit our site.

Author Talks Working Group

Friday, May 24, 2024

LLNE Spring 2024 Conference: History in Law - Law in History

Panel: The State of Legislative
History in New England
Last month, I had the pleasure of attending the Law Librarians of New England Spring Conference. Co-sponsored by the Association of Boston Law Librarians and hosted by the Social Law Library, the conference is a chance for area law librarians to meet, network, and discuss the advances and challenges facing our field. This year’s theme was History in Law - Law in History.

The conference included many distinguished speakers, including Law Professor Akhil Reed Amar and Chief Justice Scott L. Kafker, who spoke about state constitutional law. There was also a panel titled The State of Legislative History in New England, on which I had the honor of serving. Amongst law librarians and legislative experts from all around New England, we discussed the process, expectations, challenges, and quirks of doing legislative history research in our respective states.

At the State Library of Massachusetts, we are focused on preserving state legislative, political, and cultural history. We have guides, resources, and the tools needed to assist in conducting your Massachusetts legislative history research. We can help you with out-of-state research as well. However, when it comes to researching legislation in another state, the amount of material available can vary. For example, did you know Massachusetts is the only New England state with third-party current awareness resources, such as State House News Service and InstaTrac?

The History in Law - Law in History Conference was a great opportunity to come together with the law librarian community and reaffirm best practices. If you’re ever tasked with doing a legislative history for Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, or even at the federal level, please contact the Reference Department and we can help get you started.

April Pascucci 
Legislative Reference Librarian

Monday, May 20, 2024

Resource Spotlight: Nolo Books

State Library staff are constantly adding new resources to our collections. We keep an eye on new books being published about Massachusetts history and politics, books you might find on the New York Times Bestseller list, and of course, legal and legislative resources. One of the newest additions to our legal resources is our collection of Nolo books.

If you haven’t heard of Nolo before, or Nolo Press as they were formerly known, it is a publisher that produces “do it yourself” legal resources. These books allow people to take care of more simple legal matters on their own, such as how to write your own will or how to do legal research like a lawyer would. Nolo has been around since 1971 and they are a trusted resource in the legal world, so we’re thrilled to have added some Nolo titles to our collection.

Currently we have the following Nolo titles:

These books are in our Reference collection, so you won’t be able to check them out, but you’re always welcome to use them in the library. We’re open Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and our friendly Reference librarians are here to help! We can’t provide legal advice, but we can connect you to our Nolo books and other legal resources you may be interested in.

Another newer legal resource we wanted to make a plug for are West’s Nutshell Series books. The Nutshell Series covers a wide range of legal topics and the titles are great for someone just starting their legal research or for someone looking for a quick refresher. Read more about this resource in our blog post. Feel free to check out the other law resources we have in the library as well.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us by email or at 617-727-2590. We’re here to help!

Jessica Shrey
Legal Research Reference Librarian

Monday, May 13, 2024

Boolean Searching in SLM Digital Collections

In a previous post, we learned about how to start a search in the State Library of Massachusetts Digital Collections (SLM Digital Collections). Today we are going to take a closer look at a search refining technique called a Boolean search, which you can use to construct searches that will more precisely yield the results (and items) you are looking for.

Although some of the overall functionality and appearance of our digital repository changed significantly during the upgrade to the newest version of the platform for our digital collections, the ability to do a Boolean search remained the same. For patrons who interacted with the version of DSpace we used for our digital collections prior to the upgrade, the steps for how to do a Boolean search will seem very familiar. And if this is your first time visiting the SLM Digital Collections or you want a refresher on Boolean searching, the instructions in this post can help you find out how to do a Boolean search.

First, we will review what a Boolean search is—it is a kind of search commonly used on websites and search engines where you can limit, define, or broaden your search using operators and symbols.

The operators commonly used and what we use for Boolean searches in SLM Digital Collections are AND, OR and NOT. It is important to note that the plus sign (+) commonly used as a substitute for AND is not enabled as a Boolean operator for searching our digital collections. Neither is the minus sign (-), commonly used as a substitute for NOT, enabled in the search functions.

To use Boolean operators either use in all caps or all lowercase between each keyword. Each operator functions in a unique way:
  • AND returns results with words appearing together in documents (example: boats AND harbors)
  • OR returns results for documents containing either word (example: boats OR harbors)
  • NOT returns results for documents containing one word and excluding the other word (example: boats NOT harbors)
Any query of 2 or more words essentially operates as the “AND” in a Boolean search and will yield results with both or all the words from the search in it. We will go through an example of how to apply a Boolean operator in the search box. So, if we typed into the search box boats harbor it yields the same number of results as if we had entered boats AND harbor. The query doesn’t have to be a phrase in this case but can be words that appear together in the documents we want to see. We can use more than 2 words at a time like in the query boats AND harbor AND fish.

Of course, we can also use the Boolean operator AND for pairing together specific phrases to find a specific set of documents. In this case we are interested in finding back issues of DMF News because we remember there was at least one issue that mentioned bluefin tuna fisheries, the Boston harbor and party boats all in the same issue. Rather than navigating through the maze of the communities and collections associated with Department of Marine Fisheries in SLM Digital Collections we can create a Boolean search for this that will find the DMF News issue(s) we are looking for.

First, we need to navigate to the search results page and select the community Division of Marine Fisheries to be entered inside the box next to the search box. The second step is coming up with a list of phrases to use-- bluefin tuna fishery, Boston Harbor, charter and party boats, and DMF News. Now we need to format the phrases properly to construct the search query. When using specific phrases in a DSpace search, Boolean or otherwise, it is important to add quotation marks around the phrase. In this case to construct the search query we need to enter “bluefin tuna fisheries” AND “Boston Harbor” AND “charter and party boats” AND “DMF News” in the search box and press enter, which should return only 10 results for back issues of DMF News covering these topics.

However, we’re seeing some results that aren’t issues of DMF News. It looks like the majority of them are DMF annual reports. This simply means we need to be a little more specific with the phrase “DMF News” in the query string.

To do this we can search with the title field (dc.title) by rewriting this portion of the string as AND dc.title:”DMF News.” And the 10 issues of DMF News are now the only items appearing in the search results.

However, we decided that we only want the issues mentioning the Boston harbor and party boats. If we removed the phrase “bluefin tuna fisheries” from the beginning of our query and moved it to the end using the NOT operator like this “Boston Harbor” AND “charter and party boats” AND dc.title:”DMF News” NOT “bluefin tuna fisheries,” we would get results that excludes the phrase bluefin tuna fisheries but does include results of Boston Harbor and charter and party boats appearing specifically in 3 issues of DMF News.

Now that we have gone over how to do Boolean searching on the SLM Digital Collections website, you have the know-how to do your own Boolean searches!

If you are feeling stuck at any point using Boolean operators in a search while using SLM Digital Collections, you can reach out to our reference department for assistance by email or by calling 617-927-2590. Or if you are visiting our reading room, come up to the reference desk and someone can help you.

Emily Crawford
Technical Services Librarian

Thursday, May 9, 2024

It's Hummingbird Season in the Library!

Once the calendar turns to May, the region gets ready to welcome the ruby-throated hummingbird back from its winter migration! These fast-moving birds might be hard to spot out in the wild, so we've made it easy on you by selecting the ruby-throated hummingbird (plate 47) as our featured Audubon. This print shows the male (labeled 1), female (labeled 2), and young (labeled 3). They are all depicted fluttering around the trumpet flower. 

After spending the winter months in Florida, Central America, and Mexico, the ruby-throated hummingbird heads north for its breeding season. According to the Mass Audubon website, if you are looking to welcome the hummingbird back with feeders, then it is best to place them outside from the end of April into the first week of May. 

The colorful ruby-throated hummingbird is the only hummingbird that nests east of the Great Plains, and is commonly seen in Massachusetts. Both males and females have glossy green feathers covering their bodies, and as per its name, the male has a it has a bright red gorget (area covering its throat). The hummingbird's wings beat about 53 times per second, and since it burns so much energy, it must consume more than its own weight each day to stay alive!

Visit us from May 9 through June 7 to see the hummingbird on display in our reading room. 

Elizabeth Roscio
Preservation Librarian

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Idea City Panel with David Gamble, Matthew Kiefer, and Rosalyn Negron

The State Library of Massachusetts Author Talks Series is excited to host a panel discussion with David Gamble, Matthew Kiefer, and Rosalyn Negrón!

Please join us on Wednesday, May 15th at noon, in our historic reading room for a discussion between David Gamble, Matthew Kiefer, and Rosalyn Negron, all contributors to the recently published Idea City: How to Make Boston More Livable, Equitable, and Resilient (UMASS Press, 2023). The book addresses a range of the challenges that Boston contends with in the twenty-first century and considers ways to improve the city for everyone. Many of the issues tackled, including resiliency, mobility, affordable housing, public health, social equity, and economic equality are of ever-increasing relevancy for cities around the world. The conversation, taking Boston as a case study, will provide food for thought for dedicated urbanists, whether involved in public policy, the design and planning of our cities, or simply involved and concerned urban citizens.


David Gamble
AIA AICP LEED AP is a Lecturer in Urban Design and Planning in the Department of Urban Studies at MIT. An architect and urban planner and Principal of Cambridge-based Gamble Associates, his research and writing investigate the catalytic effects of urban design and planning projects with a focus on the creative implementation strategies to overcome barriers to redevelopment. David is Author and Editor of “Idea City” (UMass Press, 2023) and co-author of “Rebuilding the American City” (co-author Patty Heyda, Routledge Press, 2016). He received his Masters of Architecture in Urban Design from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard.

Matthew J. Kiefer
practices real estate development and land use law at Goulston & Storrs in Boston and is a Lecturer in Real Estate at Harvard's Graduate School of Design. His practice focuses on the nexus of private initiative and public policy and obtaining parcel dispositions and entitlements from public agencies for complex urban projects. He has a particular focus on cross-sectoral projects that address unique policy, feasibility and design challenges. Matthew has written and spoken widely on land use topics. He is a graduate of Boston University and the University of Michigan Law School, and was a Loeb Fellow at the Harvard GSD.

Rosalyn Negrón
is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where she is also Research Director for the Sustainable Solutions Lab. Rosalyn's research is primarily driven by issues of health and well-being, with particular attention to the role of decision-making, social connections, and social environments. A past Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, Rosalyn’s research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health, the Max Planck Institute for Religious and Ethnic Diversity, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She leads several projects, including the Sustainable Solutions Lab climate adaptation stakeholder mapping project, and an NSF study to understand the complex factors that shaped Puerto Ricans' decision to leave or stay in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. Beyond Puerto Rico, she has done research in Jamaica, Florida, New York City, and Boston. Rosalyn is a leader in transdisciplinary research and directs UMass Boston’s Transdisciplinary Dissertation Proposal Development program.

We will be livestreaming the talk on our YouTube channel courtesy of the Massachusetts House of Representatives Broadcast Services - tune in at noon.

If you are able to join us in person for this talk, attendees will be able to participate in a question-and-answer session with the authors as well as purchase a copy of Idea City. Books are $30.00; cash, check, and Venmo are accepted. As always, this author talk is free and open to all. Assisted listening devices will be made available upon request. Any questions or concerns, please email us at

Want to stay up to date on future Author Talks at the State Library? Join our mailing list. Also follow us on Instagram, X, or Facebook for updates! For more information on the State Library Author talks series, please visit our site.

Author Talks Working Group

Monday, May 6, 2024

Collection Spotlight: North American Civic League for Immigrants Records, 1908-1946

In 1907, a committee was appointed by the Boston YMCA to investigate what was called “the immigration problem.” This committee, formed in 1908 and chaired by Dr. Chauncy Brewer, was the North American Civic League for Immigrants. The stated purpose of the League was “the betterment of the immigrant, with primary instruction in civics for a ‘patriotic purpose.’” The League’s agents met immigrants at ship ports and train terminals and aided them in the naturalization process. They helped immigrants secure employment and housing, as well as teaching night classes and giving lectures both in English and immigrants’ native languages. The library holds the League's records from 1908 through 1946 (MS Coll. 24). 

League offices formed in many other cities throughout the Northeast and their publications were distributed at libraries across the nation. Pamphlets within the collection list investigations the League conducted at ports of entry and industrial workplaces in an effort to ensure safe conditions. Annual reports describe individual instances in which immigrants were helped by members of the League. Some examples of this are as follows: securing a lawyer, assisting with bank loans and taxes, obtaining wages unlawfully withheld, and aiding a man “who wrongfully supposed wife had sunk on steamer Ancona.” 

While the League certainly provided practical and needed assistance to new and recent immigrants, the League’s stated purposes and goals for doing so reveal less than altruistic motivations. Materials within the collection describe the intention to assimilate and “Americanize” immigrants through League programs, discouraging the continued use of native languages and cultural practices deemed un-American. League publications also express antipathy to labor movements and organizations.

In the League’s 1915-1916 annual report, Dr. Brewer writes,

“The League was organized to do what it might to mitigate the greatest peril that has ever threatened the American people and the principles of its Democracy, - to bring home to loyal people the fact that the extraordinary immigration from over seas was nothing less than an invasion of people untrained in self-government, and, pending national action, to secure such retaining points among the great foreign population as should help it to thwart the plans of revolutionaries and agitators.”

The League’s 1918-1919 annual report states,

“The theory upon which the League bases its programs is as follows: most immigrants are well disposed on entering the United States but do not so continue because of the necessary struggle for existence or exploitation. The alien must therefore be reached as early as possible in his first year of residence. If this is done he may become a useful resident. If it is not done he becomes a menace. In order to rightly influence the immigrant the League has found it necessary to secure his confidence.”

The collection offers a glimpse into the struggles facing immigrants to the United States in the first half of the 20th century, as well as the attitudes surrounding their arrival by those within the League and adjacent organizations. The finding guide for the North American Civic League for Immigrants Records can be found on the State Library’s digital repository.

Alyssa Persson
Special Collections Processing Librarian