Health Care Reform---Is the dream within our grasp, or is it slipping through our fingers?Join us for a
Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
State Library of Massachusetts
Room 442 State House
12 noon until 1:30 PM
One of the most debated issues in Massachusetts and in the country today is health care. The state’s program is in the forefront of discussions about this all-important subject.
Bring your lunch and hear
Dolores Mitchell, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Group Insurance Commission and an expert in the field, speak about this omnipresent concern, about current trends and programs--- and about what the future might hold.
To register for the Brown Bag, please
go to:
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TGHPHJPYou may also do so by calling Reference directly at 617-727-2590 or by e-mailing us at
Sponsored by the Friends of the State Library
Future Brown Bags will include:
December 16th - Marnie Warner, Massachusetts Trial Court Libraries
January 13th 2011 - Brian Harkins, the Social Law Library
February 10th, 2011 - Ken Gloss, the Brattle Bookshop
March, 2011 - Bette L. Siegel, State Library, Federal Digital System
April, 2011 - Lacy Crews Stoneburner, State Library, Preservation
May, 2011 - Neil Savage, The History of the General Court
Pamela Schofield
Legislative Librarian