Tuesday, March 24, 2009
New England Casino Gaming Report
The Executive Summary says: “The update includes new patron origin and financial data for Foxwoods Resort Casino and Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut; Twin River and Newport Grand Slots in Rhode Island; and Hollywood Slots Hotel Raceway in Bangor, Maine.
Two recent developments are affecting the casino gaming market: “(1) the onset of what is now the longest and deepest recession in U.S history, since the Great Depression and (2) the emergence of an increasingly competitive Northeastern gaming market that encompasses both the New England and the Mid-Atlantic states.”
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
From the Preservation Intern
The first step in preserving these documents is to remove staples from the documents with a microspatula. This prevents the staples from rusting and damaging the paper. Next, I sew the document by making three holes about three inches apart on the left hand side of the edge, and placing thread through the holes. Tying the thread keeps the thread secure. I then measure and cut a folder about 1/8" bigger on all sides than the document. I place the document inside the folder, and place the folder in a 9" x 12" or 10" x 13" envelope, depending on the thickness of the document. Lastly, the call number is written on the lower left hand corner of the envelope, and the flap is placed inside the envelope.
- Tina Chan, Preservation Intern
Friday, March 13, 2009
Library Closed for Evacuation Day, March 17th
Evacuation Day commemorates the day British troops left Boston in 1776. Chapter 80 of the Acts of 1938 called for an annual proclamation to be made by the governor setting aside March 17th as Evacuation Day.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Former Speaker George Keverian's body to lie in State at State House
Former Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives George Keverian died on March 6th. On March 11th, in honor of his service, his body will lie in state at the Massachusetts State House. And with this commemoration, he will join only eleven others who have been so remembered.
The first to be so honored was Charles Sumner in 1874. Wilmon W. Blackmar, Commander in Chief of the Grand Army followed in 1905, Brigadier General Edmund Rice in 1906, Secretary of State William Olin in 1911, Ex-Governor Curtis Guild in 1915, General Clarence R. Edwards in 1931 and Ex- Governor James Michael Curley in 1958. In recent years, the following have been added to this list: Ex-Speaker of the United States House of Representatives as well as of the Massachusetts House Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. in 1994, former Governor Francis Sargent in 1998, Congressman John Joseph Moakley in 2001 and former Governor Edward J. King in 2006.
For information on any of these distinguished men, please visit the State Library. In the Reference area, the library has a folder entitled "State House- Lying in State" with articles about some of these viewings. Also in the Library, there are numerous sources of information about these public figures. For additional references to those who have lain in state in the State House, one may consult the Library's Burrill File located in our Special Collections Department. One can also check the Zimmer Index, which is digitized and available on our website at www.mass.gov/lib.
-Alix Quan, Assistant Director/Head of Reference
-Pamela Schofield, Legislative Reference Librarian
Monday, March 9, 2009
"Asleep at the Wheel"
The Library has received the report of the Special Commission on Drowsy Driving entitled "Asleep at the Wheel".
The Commission was comprised of legislators, research experts, legal experts, and vicitms of this problem among others.
The report includes legislation for the new sitting of the General Court.
-Bette L. Siegel, Documents Librarian