Monday, June 17, 2024

Embracing the Beauty: Celebrating Great Outdoors Month in Massachusetts

A view of Walden Pond, a DCR state reservation
Welcome, nature lovers, to the celebration of Great Outdoors Month! As we get ready to embrace the beauty of the natural world around us, let's first look into the history behind this annual occasion.

Great Outdoors Month is a call to our deep-rooted connection with nature and a reminder to appreciate all the great outdoors has to offer. The history of Great Outdoors Month can be traced back to a time when Americans were beginning to realize the importance of preserving our natural landscapes and fostering outdoor recreation. It was President Bill Clinton who first recognized the significance of this movement by declaring the first Great Outdoors Week in 1998. This landmark proclamation laid the foundation for what would later evolve into a month-long celebration of all things outdoors.

Since then, every June has been dedicated to honoring our parks, forests, rivers, and trails. From the magnificent landscape of the Berkshires to the quiet beauty of Cape Cod, Massachusetts offers outdoor enthusiasts a wide variety of opportunities. Hike along the picturesque trails of Mount Greylock, the state's highest peak, or paddle through the calm waters of the Charles River. Whether you're a trained adventurer or a casual nature lover, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Additionally, Great Outdoors Month in Massachusetts isn't just about recreation; it's also a time to celebrate the state's ongoing commitment to conservation and environmental protection. Currently, one of Governor Healey’s priorities is “Climate & Clean Energy.” The Healey-Driscoll administration has created a new Climate Chief position and has goals of “doubling offshore wind and solar targets, quadrupling energy storage deployment, electrifying the public transportation fleet,” and much more. Read more about this initiative and others here.

Governor Healey highlights proposed clean energy investments in
Mass Leads Act at Ascend Elements, photo courtesy of massgovernor Flickr

Through other initiatives like the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation's Park Serve Day, volunteers come together to clean up and maintain our beloved outdoor spaces, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy them for years to come. 

Since we are the State Library, we wanted to bring your attention to some of the resources we have that can help you celebrate Great Outdoors Month and learn about the beauty surrounding you in New England.

Historical titles:

Browsing/travel titles: events and resources

If you’d like to take a look at any of the titles above, feel free to visit us. We’re located in Room 341 of the State House and are open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.

We hope that you enjoy the remainder of Great Outdoors Month! Whether it's hiking through the forest, fishing in a sparkling stream, or basking in the warmth of the sun in your own backyard, there are plenty of adventures waiting for you. Happy Great Outdoors Month, everyone!

Jessica Shrey
Legal Research Reference Librarian