Thursday, February 8, 2024

Geese in the Library!

We typically try to have our displayed Audubon print align with the time of year, or a month's special occasion or designation. For February, that would mean finding a print that is associated with love, like last year's swans. At first glance, geese might not seem like the most romantic symbol for Valentine's Day, but did you know that they are loyal birds and mate for life? According to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), geese are protective of their partners and their offspring, which is shown in this print, with one goose standing guard over the other. And they are so loyal to their partner that after one dies, the other will grieve in seclusion, and might never mate again.

Visit us from February 8 to March 7 to see Audubon's Canadian Geese (Plate 201) on display in our reading room, and read more here and here.

Elizabeth Roscio
Preservation Librarian