Monday, June 17, 2013

The Congressional Directory

The Congressional Directory is the official directory of the United States Congress. It has been published by the Government Printing Office (GPO) since 1888. The Directory is published and distributed during the first session of each new Congress. The Directory is one of the oldest working handbooks in our government.

In the individual bi-annual editions, you can find short biographies of each member of the House and Senate listed by their state or district; their memberships on individual committees; terms of service; administrative assistants and/or secretaries; room numbers and telephone numbers.

The Directory also contains lists of the military establishments; officials of the courts; D.C. government officials; governors of the states and territories; foreign diplomats; members of the press, radio and television galleries.

The Directory is available online from 1995-6 (the 104th Congress to the present.

Please visit us in room 341 of the State House to access our public computers to look at this publication. Our hours are 9 am to 5 pm Mondays through Fridays.